ELOVIS Press Articles and Journal Publications regarding measuring technology applications and new products for length measurement and speed measurement
Issue 10/2019:
Article about “Measurement Solutions for Converting Applications “
- Page: 36
Source: C2 Coating & Converting
Ausgabe 02/2019:
Artikel zum Thema “Messung der Stoffstrahlgeschwindigkeit an der Headbox von Langsieb-Papiermaschinen zur Maschineoptimierung und Verbesserung der Papierqualität”
- Seite 12-15 (Deutsch)
Quelle: Heimbach
Download: ELOVIS im Impressive Ausgabe 02/2019
Ausgabe 08/2019:
Article about “Fabric jet velocity – Headboxspeed with non-contact µSPEED sensor system”
- Keywords: Non-contact measurement of fabric jet velocity – headbox speed
Source: Wochenblatt für Papierfabrikation
Download: ELOVIS in Wochenblatt für Papierfabrikation Issue 06/2019
Wood materials, chipboards, furniture boards, construction solid wood, wooden floor coverings.
Issue 13/2016:
Article about “Inline Length Measurement of Plates”
- Keywords: Inline length measurement, non-contact length measurement, discrete parts length measurement system, SLM/li>
- Page 18 (German)
Source: Holzkurier
Download: ELOVIS im Holzkurier Ausgabe 13/2016
Paper machines, paper production, reel handling
Weekly Paper Manufacturing Bulletin (WPB) Issue 02/2016:
- Article on the topic “Non-contact measurement of roll width“
Keywords: non-contact roll width measurement, piece goods width measuring system - Page 79 (English)
Source: Wochenblatt für Papierfabrikation
Download: ELOVIS im Wochenblatt für Papierfabrikation Ausgabe 02/2016
Tubes, hoses, profiles, plates, boards,…
QZ issue 07/2013:
Article on the subject “Non-contact part length measurement”
- Keywords: piece goods length measuring system for lengths up to approx. 4m, SLM, inline measurement, sample measurement
- Page 45 (English)
Source: QZ-Magazin
Download: ELOVIS im QZ-Magazin Ausgabe 07/2013
Profiles, strips, plates, saw parts, boards
Holzkurier Issue 28/2013:
Article on the subject “Precise length of discrete parts“
- Keywords: piece goods length measuring system for parts up to approx. 4m length, SLM, inline measurement, sample measurement
- Page 10 (German)
Source: Holzkurier
Download: ELOVIS im Holzkurier Ausgabe 28/2013
unitex issue 05/2012:
Article about “State-of-the Art Machine Calibration”
- Keywords: machine counter, length measurement, end length control, portable calibration measurement
- Pages 26, 27 (English)
Source: Rudolf Group – Unitex
Download: ELOVIS im Unitex-Magazin Ausgabe 05/2012
AVR issue 05/2012:
Article on “State-of-the Art Machine Calibration” in the Allgemeine Vliesstoff Report
- Keywords: machine counter, length measurement, final length control, portable calibration measurement
- Pages 41, 42, 43 (German and English)
- Display page 45
Source: AVR Magazin
Download: ELOVIS im Allgemeinen Vliesstoff Report Ausgabe 05/2012
AVR issue 04/2012:
Article on “Industrial Measurement Technology for Composites” in the Allgemeine Vliesstoff Report
- Keywords: machine calibration, length measurement, strain and shrinkage measurement, differential speed measurement
- Page 6 (English)
- Display Page 9
Source: AVR Magazin
Download: ELOVIS im Allgemeinen Vliesstoff Report Ausgabe 04/2012
Textilveredelung issue 9/10 2012:
Article on “Length measurement in the fabric inspection for materials that are difficult to measure” in the magazine Textilveredlung
- Keywords: textiles, nonwovens, composite materials, length measurement according to MID 2014/32/EU standard (formerly MID 2004/22/EG), length measurement according to MID 2014/32/EU standard
- Page 19-21 (German)
Source: Textilveredelung