Quickly and safely inspected – adjusted in time
Do all system counters work with the same accuracy across the production spectrum? Which method do you use to check the system counter? Plants with tactile encoders are subject to a constant process of change. Exceeding the permissible tolerances can only be done by regularly checking the system counter. ELOVIS recommends the annual calibration of the system counters. The encoder calibration is a frequently used area of expertise for μSPEED sensors. Errors due to wear and tear on tactile measurement equipment, the abrasion of rolls, or the replacement of cylinders can be detected and fixed in a timely manner via a parallel measurement with μSPEED systems. Systems do not need to be decommissioned for a parallel measurement, nor operated under certain conditions. μSPEED systems are set up via tripod. Some longer lengths are measured and compared with the µSPEED system. Subsequently, the machine is corrected. However, setting correction factors does not help, if the lengths of different materials on the same machine are different. Then only the replacement of the encoder by a new, suitable sensors will suffice. ELOVIS offers economical solutions for all applications with μSPEED laser encoders.
Typical ranges for using the encoder calibration:
- Paper, Cardboard, Tissue, …
- Headbox speed at fourdrinier wires
- Coating curtain speed
- Film, foil, plastic packaging
- Textiles, carpets, nonwoven, fabric
- Paths, sheets, foils of metal
- Cable, wire, rope
- Profiles, tubes, strands
Typical machines that should be checked regularly by encoder-calibration:
- Roll cutter, cross cutter
- Winding machines, rewinders
- Fabric inspection machine
- Injection molding machines
- Laminators
- Paper machine, headboxes coating machines
- Tenter frame and dryer
Application Examples

Calibration of Machine Length Counters
Encoders and machine length counters for detecting web lengths or roll lengths should be checked for proper function ...
Matching Products and Services
Length & Speed Measurement Systems
- Non-contact length and speed measurement, optically by laser
- Length and speed free of slippage, maintenance-free, permanently calibrated and accurately measured
- The Laser-Encoder replaces tactile measurement via impeller, wheel, measurement roller, or machine drive
- Measurement of agitated surfaces via laser-doppler surface velocimeter
ELOVIS Services
ELOVIS offer the following services in this area:
- Consulting on the subject of mobile length measurement and encoder calibration
- Measurement and calibration services
- Help in finding the causes of length deviations
- OEM sensor developments in the field of mobile length measurement